So, last week saw the return of the greatest player ever to walk the planet, the one and only Tiger Woods.
I’d be lying if I wrote this blog saying that I was confident in him making it through the tournament without walking off with injury or seeing him at the bottom of the leaderboard with a score of 20 over par. In reality, we saw something that was far and beyond what anyone thought would happen, he was competing again with the world’s best players.
On a personal note, it wasn’t just great seeing him back competing but for the first time in a while I was excited to watch golf on the TV again. Tiger brings a certain draw to the sport that we are missing with the current worlds top players and it got me wondering why this is? After all, Rory is exciting to watch along with Dustin Johnson and Jordan Speith has achieved so much so early in his career. With this in mind why is it that the TV ratings go through the roof when Tiger plays? Is it his presence, his competitive nature, what he’s achieved or simply a combination of them all?
Personally, for me I have an appreciation for all these things but none of them eclipse what Tiger has done for the world of golf and sport in general. I think about what golf has done for me as an individual in my personal development and life skills that I have acquired through this amazing sport and the fact is that there are millions of people that benefit from golf every day.
Without doubt there wouldn’t be as many people playing golf and sport if it wasn’t for Tiger Woods, so with that in mind this isn’t a blog about how well he played, or picking out some great shots that he hit over the week, it’s a blog to say thank you Tiger Woods, thank you for raising the bar of this wonderful sport and providing us with the inspiration that no matter what career and personal up and downs you have, you can always make it back to former and greater glory. Here’s to the Power of Play.
Tiger Woods [image: Golf digest]